
EXCITING AUTHOR NEWS - I've recently signed a contract with the fabulous Bloodhound Books. They will initially be republishing three novels from my backlist. The first of these, Girl Out of Sight, will be out at the end of July 2024. As soon as I have the new cover art and visuals, I'll share it here and with subscribers to my mailing list.


Welcome to my website and blog. I'm a psychological suspense author previously published by Darkstroke Books, soon moving to Bloodhound.  My prize-winning novel 'Girl Out of Sight' is a dark and gritty suspense thriller with a theme of human trafficking. It was originally published under the title 'After Leaving the Village'. 'The Girl in the Van' explores, amongst other themes, the hideous crime known as 'county lines' where young people are exploited by drug gangs. It won the suspense and thriller genre prize in the 2022 Pageturner Book Award. Described by a reader as: "an intriguing premise with complex characters, moves at a good pace throughout, and touches on serious and complex themes including individual grief and vulnerability, as well as societal responsibilities towards the disadvantaged and dispossessed. It manages to be both thought-provoking and thrilling. No mean feat!"

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Helen Matthews writes page-turning psychological suspense and is fascinated by the darker side of human nature and how a life can change in an instant. Her debut novel 'After Leaving the Village' ​won first prize in the opening pages category at Winchester Writers' Festival and was published in October 2017. Her second novel 'Lies Behind the Ruin' - contemporary suspense and domestic noir, set in France, was published in April 2019. Her latest novel 'Facade' was published by Darkstroke Books. A fourth book is in progress. Her short stories have been shortlisted by Flash 500, 1000K Story and published in Artificium; in the Reflex Press anthology 'The Real Jazz Baby'; in EllipsisZine and in Love Sunday magazine. She has published an eBook collection of stories and travel writing 'Brief Encounters' and this is available on Amazon. Helen regularly gives talks and appears at events and literary festivals. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from Oxford Brookes University.

The novel 'Facade', soon to be reissued by Bloodhound Books, is family noir.
Last but not least is 'Lies Behind the Ruin' (domestic noir set in France). This novel will remain on sale while my other books temporarily go offline due to the forthcoming change of publisher.

Did you know I'm an ambassador for Unseen, an inspirational charity working towards a world without slavery? To raise awareness of their work, I've written about it on my blog and I give talks to groups about modern slavery. I also donate a percentage of profits from my books to Unseen so when you buy my novels you are helping to support their work and raise awareness.


Helen Matthews writes page-turning psychological suspense and is fascinated by the darker side of human nature and how a life can change in an instant. Her latest novels are 'Girl Out of Sight' and 'The Girl in the Van', winner of the suspense and crime genre category in the Pageturner Book Award 2022 and will soon be republished by Bloodhound Books. Other novels include 'Lies Behind the Ruin' - contemporary suspense and domestic noir, set in France and 'Facade' (domestic noir).  A fifth book is in progress. Her short stories have been shortlisted by Flash 500, 1000K Story and published in Artificium; in the Reflex Press anthology 'The Real Jazz Baby'; in EllipsisZine and in Love Sunday magazine. She has published an eBook collection of stories and travel writing 'Brief Encounters' and this is available on Amazon. Helen regularly gives talks and appears at events and literary festivals. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from Oxford Brookes University.

My Writing Places

I carry a notebook with me everywhere to scribble down ideas. When the weather's fine I love to work outside. Here are some of the inspirational places where I've set up my laptop.

Gladstone's Library


Although I now blog about books and writing, my original blog showcased my travel writing and you can read some examples on this website. This quote from Lisa St. Aubin de Teran has always inspired me and could apply to writing standalone novels, too :
"Travelling is like flirting with life. It's like saying, I would stay and love you but I have to go; this is my station."


Reflections from my Writing Room February 2024


Reflections from my Writing Room August 2023


Reflections from my Writing Room July 2023

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